Architect in Ramsgate

Are you looking for an architect in Ramsgate, James Clague Architects are experienced in building extensions and projects in the area.

Are you looking for an architect in Ramsgate, James Clague Architects are experienced in building extensions and projects in the area.

James Clague Architects in Ramsgate.

There are many Regency and Victorian buildings in Ramsgate. Ramsgate is rich in heritage with over 450 listed places, including 443 listed buildings with more than 200 in the vicinity of the harbour. One of the town's most notable buildings is the 18th Century Townley House designed by Mary Townley. Such Landmarks and Monuments include the Obelisk, Royal Harbour of Ramsgate, Sundowner, The Channel Dash Memorial, and many more. 

Along with a rich history of historical architecture, Ramsgate is also introducing many new regeneration projects into the town. One of its newest projects emerging is called Royal Sands Developments, which is situated along the beachfront. With 106 luxury apartments and private parking, this new development is targeted to provide an economic boost to the area.

Here at James Clague Architects, we offer specialist conservation services suited to Ramsgate’s array of properties. We take care of listed property, home extensions, and are highly experienced with managing conservation areas. We are passionate and committed to repairing period property, drawing professional opinions from our heritage experts to ensure that our guidance and planning permission in Ramsgate is certified. James Clague also thrives at developing  modern projects, as we offer a detailed step-by-step programme designed to outline our client’s aims, and map out our full architectural plan.

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