Andrew Clague Dip Arch RIBA AABC
Andrew is a full-time director of James Clague Architects.
As former Senior Partner of Clague LLP overseeing the growth of practice, there is not much that Andrew has not experienced in the field of architecture and historic buildings.
Andrew carries the Accreditation of Architects in Building Conservation (AABC, renewed every 5 years). He is a member of the Ecclesiastical Architects and Surveyors Association and is a past Vice President (Practice) of RIBA. Andrew is also Inspecting Architect of approximately 25 churches in the Canterbury and Rochester dioceses.
Housing masterplanning/place making, both large and small scale, are a particular skill of Andrew’s.
Andrew has won the Almshouse Patron’s Award three times for almshouse design and now sits on the National Patrons Awards Committee. The Almshouse Association Patron’s Award Committee has taken Andrew all over the UK each year appraising the latest in almshouse design.
Andrew’s projects have a key common denominator - a respect of their context.
To read more about Andrew's experience, please visit the link below. www.andrewclague.co.uk